A collective of Womyn healing and awakening with wisdom of the Feminine.

  • The Roots

    The roots which sustain our collective vision. The Story.

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Jewish Wisdom

    Tantric Teachings

    Earth Wisdom

    Goddess Spirituality

  • The Stalk

    The path of awakening and healing. The Journey.

    Alchemical Healing with the 5 Elements

    Meditation & Somatic Practices

    Honoring the Divine Feminine

    Dancing with Moon Cycles

  • The Blossom

    In devotion to the world, we offer seva. The Fruition.

    Supporting Education of Girls and Womyn

    Promoting Healing of the Earth

    Facilitating Spaces of Connection, Healing, and Empowerment

the collective.

Lotus Womyn is a collective that was initiated by a group of young womyn studying the Buddha Dharma. It was born in a dream from the Dakinis that awakened a deep aspiration, and irrefutable need to create safe spaces & support for womyn on the spiritual path. 

In a world in which the feminine and masculine aspects have been in a profound imbalance, we are witnessing times in which this imbalance has spun chaos across all fronts. Like a drop of ink within a pool of water, these effects are universal: manifesting in our internal lives & bodies, our social structures, and the devastating assault on our Mother Earth herself.

We believe honoring, uplifting, and healing the feminine in our own body, mind, & spirit, creates a ripple of benefit in the world. By planting small seeds and creating space for growth, a whole ecosystem can, over time, be transformed. 

Through the Great Return of living in harmony with the natural cycles and wisdoms of Mother Earth, we aspire to create a more balanced and healthy world for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The tale of the lotus weaves its medicine across many stories and traditions, yet the scent of its wisdom is clear and resounds into the depths of our hearts. For us, the lotus bows to the lineage of Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born, which honors our roots in the Buddha Dharma.

The tale of the lotus is one of alchemy and triumph. Let us consider her path: her roots abide in the muddiest of waters. It is within this darkness that the lotus finds her timbre of transformation, the very food of growth. Slowly the lotus bud finds her way through these dark waters, moved by the unspeakable mystery which weaves all life. Like us all, she carries an innate wisdom which leads her, ultimately, to the sun. She emerges from the depths, where she blooms, her petals beautiful in their fullness and strength. So too the collective is called to transform, to awaken from the darkness which we have traversed.



The Yin: the receptive, the primordial womb, the vessel of life.

The Y in our name is a remembering and reclaiming of the Yin principal. The Masculine and Feminine qualities transcend gender identity and social structures. Both aspects course through the physical and unseen, and are each essential to restoring divine balance.