Divine Feminine Quotes

  • "As women, we must reclaim the Divine Feminine within ourselves to bring balance and healing to Mother Earth and all her children."

    - Brooke Medicine Eagle

  • "The feminine is a powerful force of nature, deeply connected to the land and its ancient wisdom."

    - Winona LaDuke

  • "When women awaken to their divine nature, the world will heal itself."

    - Marianne Williamson

  • "The beauty of the feminine is the beauty of all creation."

    - Hildegard of Bingen

  • "The feminine is the matrix of creation."

    - Riane Eisler

  • "The Divine Feminine represents the supreme level of feminine expression and manifestation in the universe."

    - Anodea Judith

  • "The Goddess is not only the feminine side of divinity, but is the source of all creation."

    - Starhawk

  • "When the grandmother in the room stands strong, the family is intact."

    - African Proverb

  • "When we embrace the Divine Feminine, we remember that we are all sacred beings, connected to each other and the Earth."

    - Isabella Price

  • "A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself."

    - Maya Angelou

  • "As women, our role is to protect and nurture the sacred essence of life."

    - Vandana Shiva

  • "When women gather, the world heals."

    - Sonia Choquette

  • "The Divine Feminine is our birthright, and we can reclaim it through a profound love for ourselves and the Earth."

    - Magdala Ramirez

  • "In times of great change, it is the women who carry the wisdom to heal and guide us forward."

    - Gabrielle Bernstein

  • "We do not become healers. We came as healers. We are. Some of us are still catching up to what we are."

    - Clarissa Pinkola Estés


Four Immeasurables


Plant Spirit Healing by Marlow Brooks