Remember the Movement of the Cosmos

Remember the movement of the cosmos—nothing ever stays the same— impermanence beats moment to moment to an alternate rhythm of order and chaos. Appreciate your path, your progress—let go of your losses and mourning them as mistakes.

Trust your path, your passion, your potential—hold your victories and share the harvest joyfully. Don’t be caught by appearances—what you long for one day could revolt you the next—know your thoughts, opinions, and desires hold a potpourri of projections that hide in Pandora’s box.

Have humor sweetheart! Your real desire is for your heart. Chaos is inevitable—know this even when it shakes you to the bone—know this when you can’t see straight or form a sentence. The world does tip upside down—we are all clueless—we really don’t know what’s happening.

Let your expectations fly away like trapped birds longing for a home—assume what you say is only part of the picture. Know stabilization is movement on an axis—always flashing different views of the same thing. Explore beauty—yours and others—shed light on the dark spots, bring higher and lower together. Relate with love, harmonize with your environment—remember the sun and always face in its direction. See phenomenon in their wholeness—when you do, you may act in ways that seem unreasonable.

Create, give, and serve as your heart dictates—no others can fill your needs or answer your questions. Look within and the world will come to you with abundance you never imagined —trust your essence can be retrieved when you listen. Your mission is to love yourself—have mercy for your struggles and fears, forgive yourself your darkness, and then you can share your joy with others—the cycle will complete itself.

Don’t imagine you can hide for others can see you whether they know it or not. Know there is resurrection and regeneration—your sacred child is longing to be nurtured. If you get caught in the difficulties, you’ll be blinded to the possibilities—so concentrate on what is working—be ruthless and severe about staying in the light— bring all your obstacles to that and draw them into a cohesive whole—knowing the universe will work with you instead of against you.

In relationships expect the best—try the unusual—forget the past—be unpredictable—be a fool—explore! expand! exult! Accept the mysterious. Don’t give your power away to please others or satisfy temporary cravings— apply loving kindness to all your fears and suspend belief in their power—see the seduction of how you oppress and frighten yourself. Do not force anything—read the heart by looking in the eye Trust your instincts, suspect your thoughts, contact your instinctual urge to grow. Listen to your body—if it feels strong, go there! Rest and relax or you won’t have faith— regeneration takes place in stillness Once rested, you can trust your feelings.

Au revoir... I wrote this spontaneously in February 2001 as I heard it .. with gratitude for whatever unseen forces helped me articulate it .

— Marlow Brooks


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